
We read your heart!

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LikedIt is a smart website for watching videos, which analyzes and interprets facial expressions of viewers. It estimates the viewers' liking level and intensities of basic emotions while watching videos, by analyzing facial expressions in real-time. Furthermore, for every session, LikedIt provides a detailed feedback report showing how much the viewer likes or dislikes the corresponding video scene by scene, which emotional expressions displayed in each scene, and where the viewer focuses spatially at each frame. Based on such statistics, LikedIt is able to rank videos in terms of viewers' appreciation levels as well as finding the most liked and disliked videos. So to like or dislike a video you don't need any button. For details take a look at our documents.

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Our Team

Team Members

  • Zeynep Hande ARPAKUŞ
  • Zeynep Ayça ÇAM
  • Muhammet Said DEMİR
  • Zeynep Nur ÖZTÜRK
  • Elif Beril ŞAYLİ



Jury Members

  • Özcan ÖZTÜRK
  • Selim AKSOY

Innovation Expert

Ahmet Eren BAŞAK